"We inherit from our ancestors"

Latest from the DCGS Blog

Dunklin County Genealogical Society Meeting

The Dunklin County Genealogical Society will hold its regular monthly meeting February 20, at 10:00 a.m. in the Kennett library. The meeting is open to the public and we welcome people from Dunklin, Pemiscot, Butler Counties in Missouri and the neighbor counties in Arkansas. We have lots of resources to help you research your

Shelton-Riggs Hardware Company

Today as I was browsing through some old newsletters I came across an article about Shelton-Riggs Hardware Company, which was located on the northeast corner of the square in Kennett.  Although I do not remember the hardware store, I do remember that Wilcoxson Furniture was located in the same building after Shelton-Riggs moved.  Later,

Blankenships Come to Dunklin County, Missouri

A few days ago as I looked back through some old issues of our Dunklin County Genealogical Society newsletters I came across an article about the Blankenship Family. Although it was printed a few years ago in our newsletter, I felt it was worth sharing again. The article reminded me of the stories I

Nelse Willoughby, Kennett’s Oldest Resident

A few years ago my husband and I transcribed the Oak Ridge Cemetery. This is a large cemetery located on the north side of Kennett and some of the graves go back to the early 1900s. In order to get the information as correctly as possible, I used old funeral home records, death certificates,