Shelton-Riggs Hardware Company

Today as I was browsing through some old newsletters I came across an article about Shelton-Riggs Hardware Company, which was located on the northeast corner of the square in Kennett.  Although I do not remember the hardware store, I do remember that Wilcoxson Furniture was located in the same building after Shelton-Riggs moved.  Later,

Blankenships Come to Dunklin County, Missouri

A few days ago as I looked back through some old issues of our Dunklin County Genealogical Society newsletters I came across an article about the Blankenship Family. Although it was printed a few years ago in our newsletter, I felt it was worth sharing again. The article reminded me of the stories I

Nelse Willoughby, Kennett’s Oldest Resident

A few years ago my husband and I transcribed the Oak Ridge Cemetery. This is a large cemetery located on the north side of Kennett and some of the graves go back to the early 1900s. In order to get the information as correctly as possible, I used old funeral home records, death certificates,