Dunklin County Genealogical Society Meeting

The Dunklin County Genealogical Society will meet this Saturday, August 18, at 10:00 a.m. in the Kennett library.  Anyone interested in researching their family history, whether you are a Dunklin County native or just doing your own family and need help.

We would love to see people from the northern and southern part of the county to come to our meeting. We have some resources that would be very helpful to you. The local genealogical society is important to all who are researching their Dunklin County history. In addition, it is also helpful to those who, like me, go back only a generation in Dunklin County because we can help each other to break down brick walls, give help hints, and share. We are in need of active members to begin attending our meetings and keeping the local genealogy research active and growing. If we need to, we can change the meeting time so more of our local people can attend. Currently, we meet on Saturday because some of our older members cannot drive at night and it is a better time for those who live in the northern and southern ends of the county. In October we will have an election for officers. Currently, we need to fill the office of president, vice-president, treasurer, recording secretary, correspondence secretary, reporter and editor. Most of these offices are vacant because we have only three members who are able to fill these positions.